All Classic Boats for auction

This Ketch was built by Porter and Haylett in 1964. The Peter Duck is well known for its connection to Arthur Ransome, the very first one being designed for the writer by Laurent Giles just after the war. In 1961 the design was revived, altered a little and a total of 38 boats were built up until 1970 by Porter and Haylett Ltd of Wroxham. The Peter Duck was a very popular design and has been a proven and loved coastal cruising boat for many years. The easily handled ketch rig has a manageable sail area for hassle free cruising. The cockpit is large and comfortable and the interior i... read more

Length: 28'
Location: Isle of Wight UK
End Time:11:54am - Thursday, 12th September 2024
Remaining:2d 10h 15m 43s
Starting Bid:GBP 500.00
ID: 1133-761349  (Private)

1 Pages: 1 

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